Harry E. Fry School Home

Principal's Message

Samantha Inglima
Samantha Inglima is our newest addition to the administrative team.  She is joining us from Herrick Middle School in Downers Grove where she has served as Assistant Principal for the past three years.  Prior to that, she worked at Wauconda High School as a History Teacher for 14 years.  Additionally, she served as an attendance supervisor for several semesters.  Ms. Inglima holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from University of Illinois, with a minor in secondary education.  She has a Master’s Degree in European History from American Public University as well as a Master’s Degree in School Leadership from Concordia University.  She is a resident of Burbank and a District 111 parent, bringing a unique perspective to her role as Principal.  Ms. Inglima is eager to join the Fry School community and is excited to meet the students, families, and staff.    

Recent News

2025-26 registration

2025-2026 Registration Opens March 1

New and Returning Student Registration opens March 1. Parents and guardians of current students will receive an email with a direct snap-code link to register their student. Current 5th grade students moving on to Liberty next year should be registered as Returning Students. Please also note: snapcode letters indicate your child's current school.
art show flyer

District 111 Art Exhibition

District 111's Annual Art Exhibition will be held Wednesday, March 12 at Prairie Trails Library from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.
message from supt.

District 111 Supports Immigration Rights

Since 1982, the United States Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe affirmed that schools must provide free public education to all students regardless of their immigration status and regardless of the citizenship status of the students’ parents or guardians. We will continue to abide by this decision because it represents our values as a district.

What's Happening At Fry School